Independent Modeling. Changing the Business of modeling.
Independent Modeling main title. Look into the graceful poses of the models!
Independent Modeling model thumbnail array for featured models and photography credits.



Independent Modeling main section navigation menu.
Tampa Bay Model TestingTampa Bay Modeling PortfoliosTampa Bay Composite Cards - Design services available worldwide. Comp card printing in Tampa Bay. Discounts available for models who invest in an Aurora PhotoArts modeling portfolio photography session.
Affiliated sites and affiliated modeling resource site links.
Independent Modeling section navigation threads and main content area. All content is copyrighted, and may not be referenced without citing, and linking to, the source on our web site. All content, which includes modeling job leads,  is traceable, and we verify web traffic and the source of our information. Independent Modeling is a resource site for independent and agency-represented models who wish to enhance the marketability of their modeling careers, as well as have an advantage over limited models; those limited models being agency-only models who do not think for themselves, do not invest in their career, and allow modeling agencies to manage them, and to tell them what to do. Other limited models include models who try to put together competent professional modeling portfolios for free, using TFP, and who try to compete against professional models with cheap career tools. The independent models who use Independent Modeling are smart, professional models who know enough that to have an advantage over other models, that they have to invest in their careers. Independent Modeling is NOT a modeling and talent agency, and we do not claim to be. We do not directly refer models into modeling jobs for financial compensation, and do not represent models. Independent Modeling is not intended to be used for any advice, which includes legal advice, and any advice which can only be legally given by a licensed professional in a regulated profession. For information, and reference, only! Use at your own risk.


Changing the business of modeling

THE LATEST AT INDEPENDENT MODELING - MODELING BLOGOrlando / Chicago / Tampa independent model Tisha Linendoll photographed by Tampa modeling portfolio photographer C. A. Passinault, Aurora PhotoArts Tampa Photography and Design.



01/06/23/0154/0249 - Independent Modeling moved to new server. Updates to resume.
If you can see this, Independent Modeling is now on the new server, and is ready for new updates. We have to build and deploy a massive fleet of new, next-generation talent resource web sites after we finish migrating our existing sites to the new server (something that we have been working on since 2017 and are just now able to execute; we even bought a computer specifically for this project, which is called project Paveway. We have a lot of web sites, are about to get a lot more, and needed a way to quickly and easily keep up with them. We've worked on this for several years, invested in new computers and other tools, and now have the support infrastructure in place to do that; it took time and money, and that is now completed), so it's going to be a while longer, but this site will be overhauled, armed with new tools and tactics, and will resume updating later in 2023.

05/31/14/1258 - Modeling jobs program about to launch! New web sites coming!
After almost a year of hard work, the Independent Modeling modeling jobs program is about to launch, with the launch of a new, affiliated web site within days! This program will focus on the Florida market, too, for now.
What this means is that our modeling job board will finally be online, as will the modeling job boards of Florida Models and Tampa Bay Modeling.
It also means that Independent Modeling will finally see regular updates, which includes new articles, tutorials, tools, paperwork, and other goodies for the professional independent model, especially since we are the mother site of Florida Models and Tampa Bay Modeling. We know that updates to Independent Modeling have been slow, and we apologize, but we have been working on other projects. Those projects were unavoidable, and directly critical for our future and the sustainability of regular updates to Independent Modeling.
Florida Models will be re launching with a new Athena Class site this Summer, which will be like the site that Independent Modeling currently uses. This site will come sooner rather than later, especially with the new job board having to be online, and could be online and operational as early as June 2014!
Tampa Bay Modeling will continue to use the same Raptor 3 variant of the Raptor Class site that it currently uses, although its content and tools will be completely overhauled with the latest technology.
Independent Modeling will receive new tools and technology, but our current Athena Class web site will remain. Designed in 2010, it is still awesome, as well as relevant, and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future (Ironically, we had the opposite problem a decade ago, with lots of updates but a web site design which seemed to be constantly in flux. The web site design is now pretty much set in stone).
We have several cutting-edge talent resource sites in the works, too, for 2015. Four of these sites will be for the Tampa Bay market. These sites will be more advanced than any of our current talent resource sites, including Independent Modeling, but soon, our current sites will be upgraded to the new standard that these sites will set.
Professional models will soon no longer have to rely upon agencies to get work, they will not have to settle for shady and exploitive modeling “jobs”, and they will even be able to work away from the ignorant models who choose to be blindly dependent upon the agencies to get work, especially since the independent models themselves will be directly competing with the agencies for those jobs!
Models, rejoice!

10/23/13/1159 NEW BLOG POST: Preparing for 2014 independent modeling surge in Tampa Bay.

09/24/13/1215 - “Invest in your career” is a protected service mark of Aurora PhotoArts.
This serves as an official legal notice that the protected intellectual property “Invest in your career”, is a service mark (trade mark) of Aurora PhotoArts, especially pertaining to the marketing of modeling portfolio photography and talent headshots in the Tampa Bay market, and has been used in the marketing of Aurora PhotoArts services, as well as in the content of several talent resource web sites, such as Tampa Bay Modeling, for several years.
This intellectual property, which is protected, will be used and defended, especially since Aurora PhotoArts created it, and there is documented proof to support this claim.
There is at least one “photographer” in the Tampa Bay area who has infringed upon this property, and it is our opinion that the infringement was on purpose, as the photographer took it from content on Tampa Bay Modeling.
This “photographer”, as well as other offenders, are hereby commanded to cease and desist from any usage or claim to the protected property “Invest in your career”, or they may be subject to legal action.
It is our opinion that this so-called “photographer” cannot compete with professional photographers, specifically professional photographer C. A. Passinault and his company Aurora PhotoArts, the legal owner of the property in question, and is trying to copy C. A. Passinault and Aurora PhotoArts in an attempt to compete and to operate a photography business. Further infringement may lead to legal action, as we have proof that they took the slogan from Passinault. This will pose serious, and deserved, credibility risks to the offender, and will make their target market question their integrity, as the true source of the slogan will become more well-known than it already is.
Aurora PhotoArts will dramatically increase use of the slogan “Invest in your career”, especially as they are the true source, and the legal owner of the property. Most people will find out that the term is the exclusive property of Aurora PhotoArts because they will see it on one of their web sites, first, and that this will be a risk that the offender will not be able to take, as it will undermine or destroy their credibility when they try to use the slogan. Entire sections under this term will also be built and deployed on fleet of talent resource sites under our command, ensuring that use of the term will promote the services of Aurora PhotoArts, as search results for that slogan will lead to marketing support sections on our talent resource web sites, as well as on the marketing and support web sites of Aurora PhotoArts.
This serves as official notice, and it is their only warning.
It is our opinion that the offending “photographer” does not know what he is doing, and that he is unethical and unprofessional for taking and using a slogan which he did not create, made more ironic because the photography services that he offers for modeling portfolio photography and talent headshot in the Tampa Bay market are not even relevant, as he is unable to show appropriate work, an therefor the use of the slogan “Invest in your career” borders on deceptive marketing.
It is our professional opinion that this so-called “photographer” has to learn from Passinault and his sites, and is therefor admitting that he is not as good, and is unable to compete. How good, or legitimate, can you be if you have to learn from and take from others?
For more about this, please check out the main pages of Tampa Bay Modeling and Florida Models.

09/04/13/0835 - Independent Modeling turns 12!
Join us in celebration of the 12th anniversary of the founding and the launch of Independent Modeling, which is changing the business of modeling more and more with each passing year.
On this day, 12 years ago, Independent Modeling was launched as the world’s first modeling resource site for freelance independent models, with the goal of showing models how to find and book work on their own, without going through a modeling and talent agency, and without being dependent upon an agency to work.
It succeeded spectacularly.
Independent Modeling, inspired by the success of Florida Models, which had been around since the late 90's and was the first modeling resource site in the world, was built over the Summer of 2001, and launched on September 4, 2001, in the Tampa Bay market, long before most of the current photographers and models in the Tampa Bay area were around. Independent Modeling, by experimenting and growing, quickly became one of the most advanced modeling resource web sites in the world.
From 2003 to 2005, Independent Modeling exposed and shut down several modeling scams in the Tampa Bay area, and led the fight in the war against modeling and talent scams.
In 2004, Independent Modeling inspired the creation of a modeling resource site optimized for the Tampa Bay market, Tampa Bay Modeling.
Through Tampa Bay Modeling, Independent Modeling achieved many innovations from 2005 until 2012, creating and testing new tactics, tools, and technology for professional independent models, who were effectively managing their own careers and finding and booking work on their own.
In 2008, Independent Modeling began developing new 2nd Generation talent resource site technology and tactics, which were incorporated into a new Athena Class modeling resource site, which began development in 2010.
In the Fall of 2012, Independent Modeling acquired Florida Models, and Florida Models, the original inspiration, was assimilated, becoming an Independent Modeling web site. Florida Actors, also, became an Independent Acting web site. Both of these sites will be re launched as new Athena Class sites in late 2013, enhanced with technology from Independent Modeling. In 2014, all of the talent resource web sites will be upgraded to true 3rd Generation talent resource sites, armed to the teeth with the latest tactics, tools, and technology.
In early 2013, Independent Modeling launched its new Athena Class modeling resource web site, and the torch was passed from Tampa Bay Modeling back to Independent Modeling, which became, once again, the source.
Now, on it’s 12th birthday, a lot of exciting things are happening here with Independent Modeling. A modeling jobs program is underway, and it will be fully deployed by 2014. We are also working on new 3rd Generation talent resource web sites which will be built and deployed in early 2014, which include three specifically optimized for the Tampa Bay markets, and several more for additional markets. 3rd Generation talent resource sites will include exciting new technology, such as contextual scenario-based front ends for the content, new career tools that talent can use free of charge, new job boards and resources, new scam and risk fighting technology, new theft, plagiarism, and content misappropriation countermeasures, and more!
Our 12th year will be better than ever, and we will accomplish a lot!

08/16/13/0900 - Modeling Jobs Program.
We are aware that the modeling job board here on Independent Modeling is not yet functional (and it is obvious that we have not updated this web site in seven months, but we’ve been busy. Updates will commence soon!), but we have a modeling jobs program in the works for 2014 which will ensure that it will be updated and used a lot, especially with relevant job posts being translated for use on the upcoming modeling job boards of Florida Models and Tampa Bay Modeling, which will share the same format.
It’s the case of the chicken and the egg. Models won’t use the board if there are no jobs, at least ones which are worthwhile. Companies with modeling jobs won’t use it unless they can obtain responses from relevant professional models, and it is worth their while.
It will be. First, we will start with some modeling jobs and will drive models to the boards. After that, we will begin soliciting the businesses, which traditionally go through the agencies, to use our boards.
The modeling job board on all three sites will be offered free of charge, as well, as a professional courtesy to models and the businesses offering the jobs. The modeling job boards will directly interconnect with our marketing and promotional platforms, such as our models section. The modeling job boards will also have checks and balances built-in, and will also be used to fight modeling job scams.
It’s like building a fire. You first start with kindling and get it started, and then you build the fire to an inferno over time.
First, however, there are still some issue with the job board which need to be worked out. Stay tuned! It will be up and running soon!

01/12/13 - On this day, the torch was officially passed back from Tampa Bay Modeling to Independent Modeling, with the commissioning of this brand new Athena Class site, the first in its class. Tampa Bay Modeling is now an Independent Modeling site, and after its overhaul, it will use new Independent Modeling technology and tools, although its design class, which uses a Raptor Class site, will remain. Within weeks, more Athena Class sites will be built and deployed in the following order: Athena Class 0002 - Independent Acting, Athena Class 0003 - Florida Models, Athena Class 0004 - Florida Actors, and three others, one of which is an independent filmmaking resource site.
Welcome to the fully operational era of the independent talent movement, as 12 years of research, development, experimentation, and testing are now behind us. This Athena Class site, designed in October of 2010, and developed over the past 2 and a quarter years and a late 3rd generation web site by Aurora PhotoArts, is now operational. We have worked out all of the details, and our tools are mature and operational. It begins now.

Welcome to Independent Modeling, which was established on September 4, 2001, in Tampa Bay, Florida. Although Independent Modeling is an international modeling resource site, published in the English language, we are based out of, and published, from Tampa Bay, Florida, which is in the southeastern United States of America. Because we are here in Tampa Bay, and with supporting resources such as our extremely effective modeling resource site Tampa Bay Modeling, the Tampa Bay area is literally ground zero of the next modeling industry, and it is here where we will make our stand and set standards. We’d hate to be an agency, a scam, a school, manager, or an unethical photographer in the Tampa Bay market, because things are going to become rough for them. Very rough. Many of them are going to end up out of business, and they need to be put there.
The next modeling industry? Some of you may be wondering what is wrong with the current one. After all, the modeling industry has been successful since it was founded in the early 1900's, right? Well, not entirely. Things are going to change in the 21st century. They have to.
Without turning this introduction into the entire site (which is why we have a menu above leading to relevant content) or a large article, we’ll be brief. An open market is superior to a closed market. The old modeling industry, with the agencies controlling everything, is a closed market, as well as unbalanced. The agencies are supposed to work for the models, and not act as if they are their employer or manager. Models, even agency-represented ones, are independent contractors by default, and are self-contained sole proprietorship businesses (that is why the agencies do not withhold taxes from the model’s pay, and you file and pay your taxes four times a year like any business does). The agency functions as a source of jobs for the model, and once the model is referred to the job, the model still has to go to the go-see on their own, interview, and book it, which basically makes the agency mostly a job referral service. The problem, however, is when the agency gets a big head and oversteps their bounds, like most of them do. They only have leverage, however, because the models allow them to have leverage. Again, the agency works FOR the model. Another problem is when the agency tries to manage the model and their career, and tries to tell them what to do. When the agency does this, it is a working conflict of interest. How so? Because the agency also represents and works for the competition of the model, who are other models that the agency represents. Can you really trust an agency, which is supposed to be working FOR you, to advise you and guide your career when they are also doing the same for your competition? We didn’t think so!
Basically, Independent Modeling is a modeling resource site for professional models who wish to work their careers and avoid being dependent upon agencies. We are also for new, aspiring models who want to get started in their modeling career without making mistakes or falling prey to scams. Speaking of scams, we believe that the agencies being seen as the only way to model limits the choices that a model has and enables modeling scams. Never become dependent upon anyone, ever, and do not trust anyone until they have earned your trust.

11/21/12 (Updated 01/12/13) - Welcome to the new 2013 version of Independent Modeling, which uses the new second Athena Class site. This site, which was originally designed in the fall of 2010, is the 7th Independent Modeling web site, and it is designed to be our current design for years to come, using late 3rd generation Aurora PhotoArts web site technology and optimized to be easily and completely upgradable to 4th generation technology, once it is developed and utilized. In the future, Independent Modeling will feature animated flash graphics, videos, social networking features, and will have a PHP database back-end, combining the strengths of a resource site with the flexibility, ease of updates, and the community of a portfolio networking site. As a 4th generation site with social media and portfolio networking capabilities, the Independent Modeling of the near future will be vastly superior to any portfolio networking or social media modeling industry web site. That future Independent Modeling will be a portfolio networking/ social media site site killer, and once our membership builds, they will not be able to compete.
For now, however, Independent Modeling is a CSS formatted HTML content-orientated web site, and we are simply going to make it the best modeling resource site in the world, and we are focusing on that for now. As a modeling resource site, this will serve as the foundation and the support content for what will come later; content and tools that no other portfolio networking or social media site has, or will have, although we expect the competition to react to our success and attempt to compete. They will fail.
This new Independent Modeling site came online on Saturday, January 12, 2013, although the site itself has a legacy, and a history, going back to September 4th, 2001, which was when Independent Modeling launched and began to innovate in the modeling industry and lead the independent talent movement. This site, which will be our official format for many years to come, is what the original Independent Modeling should have been at the beginning, and we have a lot of work to do to retire our old files and get this site to where it needs to be. We project that this site should be at full operational capability (FOC) sometime in 2013, as it will take many months to get it to where it needs to be.
This new site uses the latest (and, as of now, the only official) Athena Class site (which is actually the second Athena Class site format, as the first, which was used years ago, is now discontinued). As of now, some features are offline, but we will be working hard to get them online and operational in the coming months. The thumbnail array above is one example, as it will take a few weeks to get it online. We are waiting for the first 3 Aurora PhotoArts Mosaic Class marketing and support web sites to be operational, which will happen in the next 2 weeks, since we will be dependent upon their source files, and once those are up, we will immediately build and implement our thumbnail array and portfolio core. Once that is up, we will immediately build and deploy additional Athena Class web sites, all with active thumbnail arrays and portfolio cores active from the onset, based upon our file sets, for our independent talent network of talent resource sites. Those all-new Athena Class sites, listed in the order they will be built and deployed, will be online in early 2013, and those sites are for Independent Acting, Florida Models, and Florida Actors. 2 additional Athena Class sites, which will complete our network of independent talent sites, will be built and deployed in early 2013, totaling 6 Athena Class web sites. The last two sites are currently classified, and we cannot disclose what their name brands or functions will be, yet. These sites will be further supported by our other talent resource sites, the regional Tampa Bay sites (most of which use advanced Raptor 3 variants of the Raptor Class site, except for Tampa Bay Film, which uses a Revolution Class site), and our online modeling magazine/ book support/ modeling career resource site Advanced Model (which uses a Pioneer Class site like her sister sites Frontier Pop and Tampa Film Revolution; keep in mind that this new Athena Class site was based upon the innovations and the success of Frontier Pop and its Pioneer Class site). Advanced Model will also serve as a front-end and a lead-in for Independent Modeling, with Independent Modeling and the “independent” branded independent talent sites all serving as the back-end of all of the talent resource sites. We are the source, and the engine, of what makes it all work, and happen.
So, it begins. Expect a major site upgrade to occur in a few weeks, and then expect the deployment of new Independent Acting, Florida Models, and Florida Actors web sites in early 2013. For those who may not have noticed, we acquired Florida Models and Florida Actors in September 2012, and we will make them the most effective and useful resource talent resource sites that they can be, benefitting from the latest Independent Modeling and Independent Acting tools and technology. Florida Models has an even longer legacy than we do, founded by models Kitania Kavey and Ken Horkavey in 1996. Florida Actors was founded by the same team in 1999, and both of those talent resource sites were quite possible the first talent resource sites in the world. Had it not been for Florida Models, Independent Modeling would not exist, as it was directly inspired by Florida Models. Now that these sites are ours, we respect their legacy, and are in the position to return the favor. The original Florida Models and Florida Actors sites will remain online as an online archive and emulated museums, and the new Athena Class sites will be built over them. Although both Kitty and Ken remain as friends, and are also retained as advisors, they are no longer responsible for their original sites. We are.
Ironically, although the source is Independent Modeling for all of our talent resource sites (and Independent Modeling will always be our most important modeling site, as well as the most popular of the talent resource sites), the acting and talent fields are more complicated, so the acting and talent sites, unlike their second-class treatment, will become the largest. Things are certainly going to get very interesting in the coming months and years.
And, with that, we need to get back to work, as we have a lot to do. Welcome to Independent Modeling, which is changing the business of modeling like it has been for the past 11 years!


The original modeling resource site which started it all, empowering professional models in their careers. A global modeling resource site for smart independent models who refuse to be limited by modeling agencies and the old modeling industry.


.... Or are they? Are fashion models needed now? Is there really a need for models to be booked into all these fashion shows that are supposedly being produced by so-called major department stores; stores who remain unnamed and which cannot be found? No experience necessary? These major department stores are going to book new models who don't have experience in their fashion shows? So, models are needed for a major department store fashion show? Models are needed for an upcoming calendar? Are there really that many modeling jobs with such a high volume that modeling agencies have to pay to advertise them? Are the businesses advertising these fashion show jobs real agencies, and, if not, how do they make their money if it is against the law to make money by referring models into the jobs that they are paying to advertise? What's the real deal here? Click the link to find out! Beware of modeling job scams! You will never have to pay for anything to be considered for a legitimate modeling job. To be eligible for a modeling job, you must be an experienced, professional model who already has a modeling portfolio, composite cards, and other modeling career tools. If you are an aspiring model who does not have the tools, you have no business trying to book a modeling job of any type. New models must invest in the proper modeling tools before they attempt to book any modeling job. If you do not have a modeling portfolio, check out our modeling career services. Please note that you are not obligated to pay for any services offered on this site in order to use our modeling job board or the Independent Modeling web site. Thank you.

Sneak preview of the new title cover for the next Independent Modeling site. This will cover the top of over page!

INDEPENDENT MODELING UPDATE 09/23/10 - We have completed the layout and design work of the new Independent Modeling web site screen grab 10/28/12, just before the new site came online.Independent Modeling site; you just can’t see it, yet - well, maybe a small peek at the cover banner graphic (see above). We’re just waiting for the new thumbnail array from the new Venus 3 Venus Class Aurora PhotoArts sites at this point (although we will use their thumbnails, our site design will be an entirely different design class, a new Dominion Class, or upgraded Athena Class site), and will put together the new site in a few days (we are going to try to put it together this weekend, so that we can start contacting companies and pushing the modeling job board - take THAT, agency bookers - on Monday the 27th, although we could just take or sweet time, finalize details, and roll everything out in October. The latter sounds better, as anything rushed would have flaws, and no one wants that. We should be ready to go on Monday the 27th, but we’ll take out time and build, build, build, and then do a strong reboot in October!). Once Independent Modeling is back up to speed, we will be using our format for a reboot of Independent Acting, which will have an audition board formatted like our modeling job board.
Today, we added an open call section to the modeling job board, which will be for companies which are open to receiving submission from independent models in consideration of future modeling jobs as they come up. With the implementation of the Risk Analysis System, integration with the latest modeling scam fighting tools, and now a new section, expect the final format of our modeling job section to be unveiled with the launch of the new site (there will be changes; perhaps some big ones). Also, keep in mind that the formats of the modeling job boards of Tampa Bay Modeling, Florida Modeling Career, and Advanced Model will have to be compatible with our final format (and Florida Modeling Career needs to be finished. Likewise, Advanced Model needs to launch soon).
Regarding submissions for Featured Models - We have been looking at the information and pictures being submitted to us, as there have been a lot of submissions, and all models are being considered. We will start adding featured models this fall.
We’ve also been going over the old modeling mail bags, first published here on Independent Modeling eight years ago and then published on Tampa Bay Modeling a few years ago. Funny stuff, and good information (especially the one addressing chicken wing waitresses pretending to be models, published in October 2006: See Tampa Bay Modeling Mailbag October 2006). The monthly model mailbags will be returning on Advanced Model when the site launches, and this time, the format is finalized, with long answers shortened and linking to relevant articles, tutorials, and tools here on Independent Modeling (which will also have links back to the relevant mail bag on Advanced Model). The new mail bag will be called model letters, and expect it to debut this fall with the launch of Advanced Model (Advanced Model will be a lot like the popular, and successful, Frontier Pop site which launched in July 2010, but published monthly instead of weekly). The mail bag archives will be maintained on both Tampa Bay Modeling and on Independent Modeling (we’ll have to work on linking up all the mailbags/ letters on all three sites, as we are not sure at the moment if the Independent Modeling mailbags have been ported over to Tampa Bay Modeling. If they have, we’ll have to move them back).
Tampa Bay professional model Monica Stevens, who is a pseudonym for a professional in the modeling industry, and who has helmed all of the mail bags in their various incarnations on the different sites, will be back, too, a little older, and a little wiser, but still in the prime of her modeling career!

UPDATE 09/16/10 - Modeling Resource Site Updates. The new Independent Modeling web site should be up and running up to speed next week. We will be using the thumbnail image graphics which the new Aurora PhotoArts Venus 3 Venus Class sites are using, and that’s what we are waiting on, although the design of our new site will be different. Although an earlier post reported that we will utilize the new Dominion Class site design, we are still finalizing some details, as the new Dominion Class site may end up combining select features from the Pioneer (Frontier Pop, Advanced Model), Athena (older Independent Modeling site), Raptor (Tampa Bay Modeling), and Venus (Aurora PhotoArts) class designs.
If all goes as planned, by next week, regular updates will return to Independent Modeling, and features such as our modeling job board will be updated daily. Our geographical modeling resource sites, such as Tampa Bay Modeling and Florida Modeling Career, will be updated with market-specific optimized tools which are derived from the tools and resources added to Independent Modeling (Some advanced tools, such as the long-delayed interactive tutorials, may debut on Tampa Bay Modeling). When Advanced Model launches this fall, the monthly online magazine will help drive content to Independent Modeling; much like Frontier Pop drives content addition to other sites, and treats that content as part of its own issue, the same will happen with Advanced Model (A good indication of what Advanced Model will be like can be previewed by checking out its sister site, Frontier Pop, as both sites will be pretty much the same, but with different publishing schedules, target markets, and content. Advanced Model will not be as tied into social media, however, and some of its media thumbnails will be for the other modeling sites). Not to be forgotten, Florida Modeling Career, which is currently the most advanced modeling resource site in our arsenal, will finally be finished, and updated.
Regarding portfolio networking features, Independent Modeling is working on adding the most advanced, and comprehensive, professional networking features in the future. Independent Modeling will have everything from user portfolio profiles to message boards in the future, and these features will be balanced with our tools.
We know that Independent Modeling has been dormant for the past five years, and most of our work was diverted to Tampa Bay Modeling, but this will change. Independent Modeling will return to power later this year, and will far exceed its original ambitions by our 10th anniversary next September.
We also know that many models are awaiting the return of our printable forms and agreements. This fall, we will be deploying two different types of modeling pay vouchers, updated Anti Scam Agreements, an assortment of specialized model releases, flyers, and other tools. New site features include a brand new modeling scam analysis database (which will tie into other features of the site, such as our modeling job board), new modeling scam-fighting tools, tutorials, an array of Risk Analysis System (RAS) tools, and many other effective features for models, photographers, and the businesses which book them.

UPDATE 09/12/10 - New generation of modeling tools are on the way.
Of course, this includes a new Independent Modeling site, which has been confirmed as a new Dominion Class site (the second of this brand new modeling resource design class, with the prototype being deployed for our Model Dominion site. The Model Dominion, founded just last month, is our professional model association based in Tampa, Florida; The Model Dominion will be our “army” of models, needed for what is to come, and will have hundreds of highly trained, professional, progressional models working for a new industry within two years. The Model Dominion begins operations this month, and should be up to speed this fall). The new Independent Modeling Dominion Class site will incorporate new concepts, and new concepts, designed to counter modeling scams of all types, as well as enable models to fight back in a full scale revolution in the modeling industry (note that all activities will be legal and ethical, regardless of the colorful metaphors utilized describing them).
The Raptor Class sites, as used by Tampa Bay Modeling, Tampa Bay Acting, and Tampa Bay Talent (All advanced Raptor 3's. The Tampa Bay Film sites also use a version of the Raptor Class, the Super Raptor, which is elusive to the Tampa Bay Film network of sites), are sites which were built from the ground up to change markets and combat scams. The new Dominion Class will be the next-generation effort in anti-scam technology. It is five to ten years ahead of what Tampa Bay Modeling and Independent Modeling is using now; Independent Modeling will become the base for the most advanced modeling career tools and modeling scam fighting technology in the world.
Modeling scams, unethical parties in the modeling industry, and the old modeling industry will fail to adapt to what we will be introducing. This is the beginning of our checkmate. First, we will take the local market in Tampa Bay, and then, we will go after the modeling industry as a whole, crippling the hold of modeling agencies over the industry, and empowering models. Putting modeling and talent agencies in their proper place will also severely cripple modeling scams, most of which use modeling agencies as their main pitch/ bait /enticement.
The new technology will be built from what was developed for the new Risk Analysis System, or RAS. It will also help models recognize, avoid, counter, and address unethical and unprofessional behavior, as well as modeling scams.
The modeling job board here on Independent Modeling will become a critical component of the new site, and will be fully integrated into the new tools. A word of warning to anyone offering a modeling job, but who has the intention of taking advantage of independent models who book without going through an agency: We have enhanced countermeasures which will keep such efforts in check. It’s all about balance, and all measures have other measures which keep them in check. In the past, our concept of modeling job scams was limited to the typical bait and switch, where an unethical company commits acts of fraud by baiting models with modeling jobs, and then switch over to selling them services, usually overpriced, for them to be “considered” for the modeling job. Our research has revealed that the scope of “modeling job scams” far exceeds our original definition. Modeling job scams include jobs such as teen modeling web sites, web cam “modeling”, lingerie modeling, model wrestling, and work that exploits the model, undermines their marketability, and limits their career, trapping them. Just because it pays does not make it good for a modeling career, and frankly, we are sick and tired of criminals and con artists misclassify the term “modeling” to describe businesses which are clearly not modeling. They tempt models with pay, and some of those models compromise, ending their professional modeling career, or any hope of having one. There is another angle, too, where modeling jobs may try to underpay their models, making such modeling jobs poor returns on the work that it takes to book such jobs (although underpaying models and devaluing the market rates of models would further undermine agencies, it would also not be in the best interests of the independent model; we must prevent that, as being an independent model is not being a “cheap” model who can be taken advantage of. Additionally, it is not our agenda to take agencies out of the equation, but to merely put them in their proper place. Agencies are a legitimate part of the modeling industry, but will no longer be the primary part of the modeling industry).
It gets more interesting, too.
We have a mountain of evidence that some of the information, and concepts, on our modeling resource sites have been stolen and used to enhance modeling scams. Thus, a cycle of measure / counter measure has been going on for years; as an example, a modeling agency placement / management company has been trying to use our information to bait models with, which has mostly backfired (and it will prove to be their undoing, as everyone will know that we are the source of the best information, that access to that information is free, and anyone who tries to steal, and plagiarize, our content will find that it will destroy their credibility). Our new tools will have technology which will make such theft entirely too risky. That’s not the only thing that’s stolen, too. Modeling job leads are also stolen, and we will be deploying tools that will counter those attempts. The modeling scams study our sites, and try to adapt, but we are always way ahead of them. As a result, we have crippled the majority of modeling scams.
You haven’t seen anything yet. What is coming, along with efforts from our Model Dominion organization, will change the modeling industry forever, starting here in the Tampa Bay modeling market. We are only just getting started.
Expect some major changes starting in October. Our enhancements will be added to our other modeling resource sites, also, with the tools optimized for the target market of those sites; the sites include Tampa Bay Modeling (which has been our main test bed for the past five years), Florida Modeling Career (our most advanced modeling resource site, but still far from complete), and Advanced Model (which will be one of our most advanced sites when it launches).
Once the modeling resource sites are up to speed, expect a reboot of Independent Acting, and those enhancements adapted for both Tampa Bay Acting and Tampa Bay Talent. Another talent resource site is in the works, too.

UPDATE 08/18/10 - Something big is coming, and we started it on Wednesday, August 18, 2010. Independent Modeling, Tampa Bay Modeling, Advanced Model, and Florida Modeling Career will be working on a project, only identified at this time as Project MD, which will launch in 2011, and change the face of the Tampa modeling industry within two years. After that market is addressed, we will go after the modeling industry as a whole.
Tampa Bay is ground zero for a revolution in the modeling industry.
We will also be declaring war on ignorant agency models, a perfectly legal, and ethical, action which may, or may, not be related to this project (sorry, we cannot, and will not, clarify this at this time). What will they do when the jobs go away? Do they deserve to work? We don’t think that ignorance and dependence should be rewarded. Do you? We won’t shed a tear when agency-managed models aren’t able to book modeling jobs.
Several years ago, a Tampa modeling agency booker was whining to a photographer in Los Angeles that we were doing something that we were not (the same booker who loves to slander us). Of course, there would not have been a single thing wrong with doing that thing, but at the time, we weren’t doing this; it would have been cool, however, if we had been doing it. According to our sources, this is the ultimate nightmare of the Tampa modeling and talent agencies. It’s our aspiration to make dreams come true, and in this case, it’s a nightmare, enhanced with all of the brilliant goodness and cleverness that we infuse into everything that we do.
The really cool thing about it is that it will be highly effective, it is perfectly legal, and it is perfectly ethical. It is also the professional thing to do, and it is taking professional responsibility.
So, what are we working on? Wouldn’t you like to know. There isn’t a thing that the modeling industry can do to stop this, either. There is no way that they will be able to adapt, and a hobbling dinosaur will lose its teeth. It will be survival of the fittest, and certain industry elements are about to have a tough time staying in business.
Everything will be made clear in a few months. Until then, it’s a secret, and we have three new web sites to build. That’s right..... Another three new web sites, web site which will be completely different from our popular modeling resource sites. Whatever could they be?
To the old, aging modeling industry: We love you. Really, we do. This is our gift, to you!

NOTE TO OUR READERS: As of August 18, 2010, we are working on a new, finalized Independent Modeling site. This site will be a reboot of the Athena Class site, and will be a combination of a Pioneer Class (Frontier Pop, Advanced Model) and Venus Class (Aurora PhotoArts) site. It will be similar to the current site, except the layout will be upgraded.
This upgraded site should be online in September 2010, and Independent Modeling will then begin regular updates. Also, at that time, Independent Acting will be rebooted.
Thank you for your patience.





New Model Question
Hi. I’m a new model who needs a portfolio. A modeling book said that I should only send a snapshot to local modeling agencies to see if they want me. It also said that models should go through the agency to get their portfolios, and to allow the agency to manage their career.
Is this right?

Independent Modeling Opinion
PUBLISHED 08/09/2010 / UPDATED 08/09/2010 - The “You can only model if you go through an agency” myth is one which is spread by the old modeling industry. Modeling books with this misguided advice are from modeling industry people who want to control models and make money at their expense, as well as by models who will post this advice because they don’t want to rock the industry boat which pays their bills.
DO NOT allow, and enable, these people to overstep their bounds, and to manipulate your career. They work for you, and it’s not the other way around!
Anyone who puts that the agency way is the only way either does not know what they are talking about, or they are a part of a system of scamming, controlling, and manipulating models. Sometimes, it’s both!
Most dangerous of all, the reason that modeling scams are so common in the modeling industry is because of the agency myth. It conditions people to allow others to guide and control them, and enables modeling scams!
Do you honestly think that these people believe their own advice?
We do not agree with the myth that models allow themselves to be managed by an agency, and the agency should not be the source of any modeling portfolio. An agency works for the model, not the other way around; it would be like an employee telling and employer what to do. Additionally, when an agency manages a model, it can be a working conflict of interest because the agency works for the competition of the model, who are other models which the agency represents.
Models should also obtain representation from several agencies. Make them compete against each other to obtain work for you. Put them in their place!
A model should always build a portfolio before going to any agency. This is the only way that a model can guarantee that the agency is supposed to make money by finding work for the model, instead of making money by selling them portfolios, or by splitting fees with unethical photographers. A good agent can work with any professional portfolio that a model has; a professional portfolio meaning one done by a professional photographer.
Evaluate risk. A professional invests in their career, with a real web site (including a domain name), a portfolio of professional work, and references. Do not bother with anyone working from a freebie social or portfolio networking web site. The more on an investment into the career which is demonstrated, the lower the risk.
Models today find and book modeling jobs on their own, as well as obtain them through more than one modeling agency. When models book the modeling jobs on their own, they not only save agency fees (and save the job fees), but often scoop the job before the agencies can refer other models to it. A smart independent model can get the jobs before other models, and the modeling agencies can. This gives them an advantage.
Ignorant models allow themselves to be sold on “the agency way is the only way” myth, and allow themselves to be blindly led by an agency which also works for their competition. As a result, an agency-only model limits themselves, and cannot compete with independent models. Independent models have the advantage. Independent models also cover all of their bases, and use agency leads as a backup; if they miss a modeling job lead, they can get it from an agency, too.
Will agencies blacklist independent models? Not if they make money the way that they are supposed to, by finding and referring models into jobs. Thin about it: If an independent model books work with or without an agency, don’t you think that they agency wants to make money on work that the model would already book without them? The model is already a proven money maker, and the agency will work that much harder to find the modeling job, and refer them to it, before the model does so themselves. As a result, the independent model will obtain more job leads than the agency-only models who are not on the bookers radar as much!


Will there be a revolution in the modeling industry in 2013?

PUBLISHED 12/30/2009 / UPDATED 09/19/12 - Well, it's no secret. Since Independent Modeling launched in 2001 as Tampa Bay Independent Model, we’ve been working on the foundation for the next modeling industry, trying out new ideas, and refining the ones that worked. Some ideas, such as the Professional Modeling Industry Reference Bureau Database (PMB), did not work very well, since it was a centralized database of opinions and references. Others, such as our new Risk Analysis System (RAS), have been proven to work, don’t rely upon a database, and are highly effective. The RAS will prove to be highly effective against anyone who does not invest in their career, too, and should cripple TFP used by new models and photographers to build their portfolios, free online services, social networking profiles used as business web sites, and portfolio networking sites (If you want to build professional credibility, and want to book work, you are going to have to invest in your career. If you don’t, you will not be able to compete against professionals who have invested in their careers, and we are going to make sure of it. If you don’t invest in your career and use freebies, then free work is all that you’ll be able to get; knock yourself out.). In its first two years, Independent Modeling made a lot of progress, and grew. In 2003, the name of the site became Independent Modeling, reflecting the domain name branding, and this site had a lot of activity and updates until 2005.
In late 2004, our sister site, Tampa Bay Modeling, launched, and 2005 saw a transition of Independent Modeling work moved to Tampa Bay Modeling, which became our testing grounds. From 2005 until 2009, very little work was done on Independent Modeling, which became dormant until it was needed. In reality, however, the work never stopped. It was published, and added, to Tampa Bay Modeling, which became a superpower modeling resource site by 2007.
In 2009, Independent Modeling saw a massive overhaul, and some updates. The real work, however, will be in 2010. Tampa Bay Modeling, Advanced Model, and Florida Modeling Career will utilize Independent Modeling as their core resource site, with referenced articles, tutorials, modeling job leads, modeling career tools, and lots of other things located here on this site. This means that, inevitably, Independent Modeling will become our most updated modeling resource from now on. Independent Modeling, as the core site, will be the one most heavily updated, with the other sites referencing those updates. Advanced Model will see monthly updates, as it is an online modeling magazine (One main feature, the return of the modeling mail bag by Tampa model Monica Stevens, will see shorter replies than in the past versions. For responses that require a tutorial, a new tool, or an article, the content will be created, published, and indexed on Independent Modeling, and there will be a link referencing it within the response on the Advanced Model mail bag. In the past, a lot of time was wasted on the mail bags because they were too big, and the information could not be referenced easily. As a result, the mail bags were not cost-effective to do, and that’s why they ended, both here, and on Tampa Bay Modeling. We finally sorted out the issues, and have made a mail bag format worth maintaining. Additionally, the new mail bag will be called “Modeling Letters”, or something like that- the name will be finalized in the next few days as the Advanced Model site is assembled and finished). Tampa Bay Modeling will be the third most updated site, as the Tampa modeling market is critical for what we will be doing, and Florida Modeling Career will follow for the Florida modeling industry.
So, will there be a modeling industry revolution in 2010?
The answer is yes. We’ve spent over six years working on all the pieces of the overall puzzle, and we are now ready to begin. It’s time to awaken Independent Modeling, taking it far beyond its original potential, and begin aggressively working our agenda. The Tampa modeling market will be ground zero for the independent modeling movement, and after we take this market, and then expand to the Florida modeling market, the next modeling industry will displace the current modeling industry.
Free portfolio networking sites, social networking sites used as free business marketing, modeling and talent agencies which try to manage the model who they work for, model managers, and misguided models, agents, photographers, and others are about to be put in their place. Their flawed tactics are going to backfire, and they will ultimately be accountable for what they do. Modeling scams will also be put in their place, and most of them will be rendered weak and ineffective. Both Tampa Bay Modeling and Independent Modeling crippled Tampa modeling job scams in 2009, and in 2010, those modeling job scams will be undermined on an entirely new level.
We are finalizing the final touches now, and we begin our renewed agenda in January 2010. For professional models, the next modeling industry, where you call the shots, is finally here. For the old modeling industry, the nightmare which you have been fearing since 2001 is about to begin. The modeling and talent agencies will no longer be the primary way to have a career as a professional model. Agencies will become one of many tools that the independent model uses in their career, and that’s it, as that is their proper place. For those of you who haven’t been reading Tampa Bay Modeling, allow us to clue you in on the dirty little secret of the modeling industry: A modeling and talent agency is a working conflict of interest. How is that so, when so many tout the modeling agency way as the only way to have a modeling career? Well, in our opinion, they are either lying to you in an attempt to control you, or don’t know what they are talking about, merely repeating what everyone else has said for decades. They are wrong, and we can prove it. A model is an independent contractor, and is a self-contained business. A modeling agency, when they represent a model, works for them, and it’s not the other way around. Too many agencies cross the line and act as the employer of a model, when it is the other way around. They try to get models to sign exclusive deals with them. They try to tell the model what to do, which is inappropriate. What really is a conflict of interest, however, is when the agency, who works for the model, also works for the competition of the model. Who is the competition who they work for? Other models who they also represent! Can you really be sure that they have your best interests in mind when they tell you what to do, and manage your career, while they also work for your competition? This is why professional models should never allow a modeling agency to exclusively represent them, or to manage their careers. Professional models should only utilize modeling and talent agencies as one of many sources of modeling job leads, and that is it. Additionally, it is unethical, and a conflict of interest, for a modeling agency to sell models any products or services, or to make money by referring models to products and services. Because you can never be sure if an agency is making money by referring you, instead of making money the way that they are supposed to, by referring you to modeling jobs, models should never use any photographer or service that an agency refers them to.
Independent Modeling. Changing the business of modeling. Watch it work.

ATTENTION ALL MODELS! Modeling job scams are on the rise, and they are dangerous! You have to haveTampa independent model Brittany Clasen. Modeling portfolio photograph by photographer C. A. PAssinault, AuroraPhotoArts.Com experience to book any modeling job. Anyone who advertises modeling jobs and claims that no experience is necessary either does not know what they are doing, or they are operating a modeling job scam. Either way, stay away!

Never, ever buy anything from anyone advertising a modeling job. You should be considered for the modeling job that they are advertising without an obligation, or pressure, to buy any service. Don't be scammed!

If you are not a professional model and have not invested in a modeling portfolio or composite cards, you have no business trying to book any modeling job. Do research and get your portfolio and comps from a professional photographer who is in the business of modeling portfolio photography, and who does not bait models into buying services with the promise of modeling jobs! Also, to avoid the possibility of a modeling scam, never work with a photographer who is referred to you by a modeling agency! Photographers are not modeling agencies (or agents), they cannot make money booking models into jobs, and no professional is going to work booking models into modeling jobs for free. Make sure that the photographer is honest about what they are selling, check their references, and make sure that you can trust them!

Modeling agency placement? Please! You can do this yourself, for free, as easily as opening up a phone book and contacting agencies (just get your modeling portfolio and composite cards, first, from a professional photographer who does not advertise, or offer, modeling jobs). A modeling agency is a modeling career middleman; do you want to add another middleman like the links in a chain, or go straight to the source of modeling jobs? Don't buy any service from any business advertising that they will refer you to modeling agencies. Modeling agencies are perceived as being a source of modeling jobs, so this is pretty much like a modeling job scam baiting in models with the promise of modeling jobs, and then selling them a service. Only deal with businesses who are honest about the services that they are actually selling!



By Independent Modeling Director C. A. Passinault

Independent modeling is not Internet modeling. Agency models are limited.

The modeling agency way is no longer the only way in modeling.

The truth about modeling will set you free. The independent model has an advantage over models who choose to be limited and blindly led by modeling and talent agencies.

Published 04/16/09 - Revised 04/25/09

What exactly is an "Independent model"? What is modeling?

Those are good questions. We will start out by stating what Independent modeling is not. Independent modeling isTampa independent model Jinelsa Rosado. Modeling portfolio photograph by photographer C. A. PAssinault, AuroraPhotoArts.Com NOT Internet modeling, and don't get confused about that. There is a big difference. Independent models are professional models who think for themselves, manage their own careers, and have a massive career advantage over the typical old-modeling industry model who allows themselves to be blindly led by a modeling and talent agency. Independent models are smarter, and highly respected, because they educate themselves on how the modeling industry used to work, and how it works today. Independent models are not dependent upon modeling agencies, or on the Internet, to book modeling jobs. Independent models know more on how to find modeling job leads than most modeling agency bookers, which isn't saying much because anyone can do what a booker does.

There is no difference between land-based (i.e. agency represented) and online models in the realm of the independent model. The Internet, much like modeling agencies, is but one of many sources of modeling job leads and modeling marketing available to the independent model. The independent model is not dependent on the Internet or modeling agencies to obtain modeling job leads and to book work, and can work their modeling careers without either one, if necessary. Independent models can manage their own careers, find modeling job leads, and book modeling jobs on their own even if there was not an Internet. The Internet, however, is a tool in their professional arsenal which makes their modeling career easier, but that modeling career is, by no means, dependent upon the Internet. Independent models could have managed their own modeling careers back in the 1960's if they had realized that they could, and a few did. Most models, unfortunately, were purposely kept ignorant by the modeling agencies and the old modeling industry, and as a result, they were dependent upon it and controlled by the people who were supposed to be working for them.

NO MORE! The back of the old modeling industry has been broken! Models have woken up, have declared their independence, and are no longer limited by modeling agencies and the old modeling industry.

Tampa independent model Lisa Marie Lowrey. Modeling portfolio photograph by photographer C. A. PAssinault, AuroraPhotoArts.ComIs Independent Modeling against modeling and talent agencies? Are independent models against modeling and talent agencies? Not at all. A professional modeling and talent agency is a legitimate part of the modeling industry, as long as they know their proper place and do not overstep their bounds. A modeling and talent agency only makes money by referring models into jobs. They work for the models, and not the other way around. A modeling and talent agency should never attempt to manage the careers of the model who they represent, and have no right to tell models what to do, as this is a working conflict of interest. How so? Modeling and talent agencies represent more than one model. They work for more than one model. Those models compete against each other for the same modeling jobs. It is a conflict of interest for a modeling agency to manage the careers of models who compete against each other, as it opens the door to manipulative practices and shady politics. How would you feel if you has a salesperson selling you, as well as your competition? Unacceptable? Of course it isn't acceptable! Yet, it was accepted for decades because models were brainwashed into thinking that going through a modeling agency was the only legitimate way to have a modeling career. We're too smart to accept that today, and so are you.

Modeling and talent agencies work for the model who they represent, wether they are models who choose to be dependent upon an agency, or the smarter independent models. They should only be used as a source of modeling jobs, and nothing more. Independent models are smart enough to obtain representation from multiple modeling agencies, too, and do not allow themselves to be limited by exclusive representation agreements. Independent models are also wise enough to avoid modeling agency scams, photo mills, and other potential conflicts of interest by shopping around for the tools that their modeling careers require. They do not depend upon agency referals for photographers and composite cards. Why? Because they cannot be sure if the agency is making money by referring models to these services, and if that proves to be the case, the agency may be more motivated to sell services to models instead of finding them legitimate modeling job leads. So, the modeling and talent agency states that they have all the contacts and that models don't know what they are doing? Are you going to accept being insulted? A modeling and talent agency is merely a glorified temp agency. In the business world, temp agencies are looked down on, and are not the primary way of landing a job lead or obtaining a good job. Could you imagine the nerve of a temp agency if they told business professionals that they did not know what they were doing, that the only legitimate way to land a job was to go through them, and that they would have to be referred to a resume service in order to get their resumes done? Yes, it is a ridiculous scenario, but this is exactly how the modeling industry has been operating for the past eighty years! The modeling industry has been backwards in many ways for a long time because of manipulative practices and people on power trips. The monopoly of the modeling agency is one of the main reasons for the existence, and the effectiveness, of modeling scams. For most modeling scams, the linchpin of their operation, and the ultimate bait for them to lure aspiring models in with, is the promise of referring them to modeling and talent agencies. With the independent modeling movement in full force, and with many models waking up and opening their eyes to managing their own modeling careers, balance is finally being introduced to the modeling industry. Modeling and talent agencies are being put in their proper place, as models no longer allow them to manipulate them and to limit their modeling careers. Modeling scams are finding it hard to lure in aspiring models, as more and more people educate themselves before getting started in the modeling industry. So, you'll refer models to modeling and talent agencies after you take all their money and give them useless modeling portfolios and composite cards? Big deal. We can find reputable modeling and talent agencies on our own, thank you very much, after we shop around and find professionals who can really give us the modeling portfolios and the composite cards that we will need. Additionally, since modeling and talent agencies are no longer the only way to work a modeling career, and they are only one of many sources of modeling job leads, do you have anything useful to pitch us that we already don't know?
Anyone ever go into a modeling and talent agency and get the gut feeling that you cannot completely trust them? Trust your instincts. You call the shots. They work for you, and it is not the other way around, and make sure that they know that. Don't let a modeling and talent agency take advantage of you and enable them to be insubordinate, much like an employee telling their employer what to do. Think that the employee (the agency) will remain employed for very long with an attitude like that? You get the deal.
Independent models have an advantage over models who choose to only get their modeling job leads from the modeling agencies who represent them because the independent models does not allow themselves to be limited by the motives of others. They make the modeling agencies work for them, because the agencies realize that the model may be getting the modeling job leads that their bookers are trying to get by themselves, or from competiting agencies. By default, the model has leverage, and the modeling agency is kept in their proper place. The independent model, as a result of managing their own careers and not allowing others to limit them, book more work than models who are solely agency-represented. The independent model has a serious professional advantage over agency represented models.

A Warning About Modeling Job Scams

Check out the modeling adventure series Born Beautiful

Our modeling job board is now online. We still have lots to do, but are making a lot of progress. We are currently editing content, adding updated content, and are re mapping support files. Our modeling job board is very important to us, because it will help combat modeling job scams and undermine the leverage of modeling and talent agencies as the primary source of modeling job leads (although independent professional models are good at finding their own modeling job leads, and should never rely entirely upon a modeling job board or a modeling and talent agency for their job leads). We now have new checks and balances, concerning the modeling job leads on our modeling job board, to discourage our modeling job board from being misused by unethical modeling industry people, modeling and talent agencies, modeling and talent agency bookers, and modeling job scams. We have also begun contacting businesses who offer modeling jobs to have them post their modeling job leads on our modeling job board. These contact procedures submit additional information to modeling jobs so that they can help us combat, and undermine, modeling job scams. They will be checking the source of their modeling job posts in consideration of any model leads which their modeling job posts generate.

Our modeling job board is updated daily, and contains modeling job leads for models free of charge. There is no charge to utilize our modeling job board and modeling job resources, and it is provided with no obligation to buy any services or products. Because we do not manage models, we are not a modeling agency, and we cannot get paid for referring models to modeling jobs, all modeling job offers are presented as-is, with no guarantees. Models and parties offering modeling jobs assume all risks and potential liabilities, and waive Independent Modeling and our affiliates from all liability and claims of liability. Although Independent Modeling reserves the right to refuse posting any modeling job offer without reason, and we will not post any modeling job offers which are obvious modeling job scams, we will not assume any responsibility for any modeling job post lead published on our modeling job board. We have extensive articles, tutorials, and information for models on Independent Modeling. It is up to models to evaluate modeling jobs and to make sure that they are legitimate before responding to them. Independent Modeling reserves the right to post modeling job ads which are not actual modeling job offers (fake modeling job offers), and are used for helping models recognize and avoid modeling job scams (we will make sure that you know that the modeling job offer is a fake as soon as you read the description, which is accessed by clicking on the modeling job offer from the modeling job board). Independent Modeling will be posting made-up modeling job posts from time to time to help models avoid modeling job scams and to point out modeling job scams; in this capacity, our modeling job board will be an extension to our modeling scam analysis database, and will reference our modeling scam fighting resources.

On a lighter note, we are trying to get our modeling job board to a format exactly like the one described in C. A. Passinault's modeling series Born Beautiful, which was published under a pseudonym a few years ago on Independent Modeling. The new design on Independent Modeling supports that general format. We do not want to do a modeling version of Craigslist where anyone and everyone can spam a job board with shady job offers, or, just as bad, serve as a resource for modeling job scams which steal modeling job leads and then bait models into a modeling scam with the information. Our goal is to provide a modeling job board which is actually useful. At the present time, our modeling job resources already have top search engine performance, and our modeling web sites are easy to find, so we are now ready to get started.

Established September 4, 2001. Published and produced in Tampa, Florida. Modeling resource site director is modeling expert C. A. Passinault.

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Independent Modeling footer section, which includes site update information, support credits, expanded links to site sections, a legal disclaimer link, a link to our terms of use, copyright information, and affiliated site links.



Photography by Aurora PhotoArts. Athena Class Web Site by Aurora PhotoArts. Events by Frontier Event Planning.

The agency way is no longer the only way of having a professional career as a model. There is no arguing against common-sense and proven business practices. Modern professional models think for themselves, network, and book work both as independent models and by using agencies as one of many sources of jobs. This is the future of the modeling industry.

This is an Athena Class modeling resource web site by Aurora PhotoArts, a Passinault.Com company. Athena Class 0001, commissioned 011213.1000 hrs.

Site layout, design, and web updates by webmaster C. A. Passinault and our team of professional independent models and industry contributors. This web site resource is dedicated to bringing balance and integrity to the modeling industry, and our mission is to help professional models, photographers, and the businesses who book them.

Web Site Design by Tampa Bay web design company Aurora PhotoArts. Webmaster and the new Athena Class web site design by C. A. Passinault. Main Tampa photography by Aurora PhotoArts Tampa Bay Photography and Design.

Athena Class 2.0 - Site Version 7.0


Independent Modeling updated and completely refreshed on server 01/06/23

© Copyright 2001-2023 Independent Modeling. All rights reserved.